Cara Melihat Tweets Archieve

2:40:00 PM Fajria Anindya Utami 0 Comments

Hi, you're my readers? Perfectly yes. Kali ini, aku mau berbagi Cara Melihat Tweets Archieve.


Masuk ke twitter terlebih dahulu.

(Log-in to twitter first)


Klik 'Settings'

(Klik 'Settings')


setelah kamu klik 'Settings' biarkan loadingnya sampai selesai, jangan klik apapun tapi turunkan mouse sampai kebawah dan kamu bertemu kalimat 'Request your archieve' yang aku lingkari merah dan klik.

(after you klik 'Settings' let them loading till loading is finished, dont klik anything but scroll down your mouse until you meet the sentences 'Request your archieve' that I used to red circle and klik)


setelah kamu klik 'Request your archieve' pihak twitter akan mengirim mu sebuah email. Nah, cek emailnya!

(after you klik 'Request your archieve' the twitter will send you an email. So, go check you email!)


kau akan menerima email seperti ini. Lalu, kau harus klik "Go now' yang aku lingkari merah.

(you will receive the email like this. And then, you have to klik "Go now" the below that I used to red circle)


'Go now' yang tadi membawamu ke tahap ini, jadi kamu harus klik 'Download'

(the 'Go now' bring you to this step, so you have klik 'Download')


download di mulai...mohon tunggu sampai downloadnya selesai. Kalau sudah selesai, klik file nya.

(the download is begin.....please wait until the download is done. If has done, klik the file)


dan ini dia! Klik dua kali terhadap file yang '....html'

(and this is. Double klik the file that have '....html')


dan SELESAI!!! Stepnya sudah selesai! Dan inilah tweet pertamaku. Apa tweet pertamamu?

(and DONE!!! The step is complete! And this is my first tweet. What's your first tweet?)

Silahkan mencoba! Lucky guy!

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Kamis, 21 Februari 2013

Cara Melihat Tweets Archieve

Hi, you're my readers? Perfectly yes. Kali ini, aku mau berbagi Cara Melihat Tweets Archieve.


Masuk ke twitter terlebih dahulu.

(Log-in to twitter first)


Klik 'Settings'

(Klik 'Settings')


setelah kamu klik 'Settings' biarkan loadingnya sampai selesai, jangan klik apapun tapi turunkan mouse sampai kebawah dan kamu bertemu kalimat 'Request your archieve' yang aku lingkari merah dan klik.

(after you klik 'Settings' let them loading till loading is finished, dont klik anything but scroll down your mouse until you meet the sentences 'Request your archieve' that I used to red circle and klik)


setelah kamu klik 'Request your archieve' pihak twitter akan mengirim mu sebuah email. Nah, cek emailnya!

(after you klik 'Request your archieve' the twitter will send you an email. So, go check you email!)


kau akan menerima email seperti ini. Lalu, kau harus klik "Go now' yang aku lingkari merah.

(you will receive the email like this. And then, you have to klik "Go now" the below that I used to red circle)


'Go now' yang tadi membawamu ke tahap ini, jadi kamu harus klik 'Download'

(the 'Go now' bring you to this step, so you have klik 'Download')


download di mulai...mohon tunggu sampai downloadnya selesai. Kalau sudah selesai, klik file nya.

(the download is begin.....please wait until the download is done. If has done, klik the file)


dan ini dia! Klik dua kali terhadap file yang '....html'

(and this is. Double klik the file that have '....html')


dan SELESAI!!! Stepnya sudah selesai! Dan inilah tweet pertamaku. Apa tweet pertamamu?

(and DONE!!! The step is complete! And this is my first tweet. What's your first tweet?)

Silahkan mencoba! Lucky guy!

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